

We just finsihed our currenct sermon series: Unseen God in Uncertain Times. Go back and take a listen as we dive into the book of Esther.


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Listen to week three in our Multiply Series. In this series we will take a look at what the Church really is, what's the purpose God has laid out for it, and how we as Concord are fullfilling that mission.

Listen to week two in our Multiply Series. In this series we will take a look at what the Church really is, what's the purpose God has laid out for it, and how we as Concord are fullfilling that mission.

Join us for our first week in our Multiply Series. In this series we will take a look at what the Church really is, what's the purpose God has laid out for it, and how we as Concord are fullfilling that mission.

Want to see all of our past sermon series visit our Youtube: